Saturday, May 9, 2009

You've got a blog, so speak your mind... sort of!

So, third post on this sucker in twelve hours. Do not expect this much content regularly. I'm just in the whole "woo, I gots a blog!" mentality. It will fade soon enough, like that snapshot of who you woke up looking at on Sunday morning having no idea how you got there.

One of the subjects I promised some insight on was politics. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. The main reason is twofold. First, I can't post anything regarding city politics that is not an official opinion of mine (I hope to post a few official political opinions here) because of the potential backlash if I say something critical. Second, my line of work in public service may hinge on how non-partisan I am, and if I make postings of a partisan nature and a potential employer starts raking through it, well... you get the idea.

Therefore, the best solution here is to avoid the trap. It is sad I have to do this. If there was an option to just exclude employers from reading this, I'd go all-out and write some stuff that'd surely piss some people off. I'm so saddened that I can't write on some subjects I'd love to, like the bailouts, the economy, international stuff, and my musings about the state government, and even perhaps my Area Commission. It is a shame that in this day and age, where everything is public, political correctness rules and the gotcha game is in full effect, I can't talk about everything. You never know who may read a topic of yours and turn it around, nailing you to the wall with it. I have never been nailed by something I wrote online in the past to haunt me in the present, but you never know. In this case, it's probably better to play it safe than sorry. Maybe someday I will get paid for my opinions on these subjects, but that day is not today.

Well, that is all for now. Tonight, expect a piece either on the Penguins game or another topic I've come up with. Until then, this is John Henry Eden signing off.

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