Monday, May 11, 2009

Congratulations because you should?

Today at work, I had something happen which several hours later made me scratch my head. I was working today at my job, and my boss walked up to me and asked me to sign a card for a co-worker who is getting married. I signed it when I got it, and when I couldn't think of something that was funny but still safe for work, I just signed it and gave it back to my boss.

Soon after, I questioned that decision. Now, about seven hours post-signing, I regret signing that card and wish I had not. This employee, a woman, has worked at our office now for about five months. During this time, she spent about half of it sitting in the cubicle opposite from my desk. While she was there, we spoke maybe once. The rest of the time, we have not spoke at all. Her job respoinsibilities do not coincide with mine, but I still manage to talk to several other employees while I'm working there that have nothing to do with my job.

So, I thought, "why did I do that? Just to be nice and not break a taboo?" Answer: yes. Our society is very self-centered, and places a ton of emphasis on achievements. Marriage is one of them. Therefore, any time someone gets married, even if it is someone we don't know well, we must praise them and do extra things for them, even when it's not entirely necessary. Tomorrow, they are throwing a luncheon party for her. I will not be there, but if I was, I would likely not even take the food and just continue working. This is an office-stopping deal. It's not just for the department she's in, or even just the people she closely works with. It's for everyone, and I can tell you I'm not the only person who doesn't know her well.

Do not mistake this as a "I hate my job, therefore I hate everyone there" or "I'm not married, so I hate everyone else who is" rant. This has to do with acknowledging something for someone you don't know well. My birthday's coming up on Sunday. I hope that the people who actually wish me happy birthday do because they mean it and don't feel obligated. If they do it because they're obligated, then that just sucks, don't it?

So, there's my opinion. Now, I want to know what yours is. Am I just a big, fat jerk, or am I speaking for the people? Leave me a comment.


  1. i am against marriage and procreation in general. this does not fly so well. i once agreed to be best man in a friends wedding - only b/c i thought 1: he was joking & 2: he'd never actually do it. once a friend told me he and his wife were going to have a kid and i responded "shit man, i'm sorry". i understand the point of view of not supporting those idiots who do self-serving bullshit and expect to get praised for it....

  2. My main question is what the hell? The whole office is getting off to celebrate someone getting married I mean sure great for them and all but come on. My parents would get off department wise for like birthdays etc but I do think that it is a little crazy for the whole office to, ok I have said that before I should just stop but I am really committed now (shit), get time off to celebrate someone's wedding/whatever.
