Saturday, January 7, 2012

I did

I said "I will," when I was searching for new employment and hoping that my last set of interviews with another government agency would yield fruit and a job offer. The good news, I am happy to report, is I did. I got the offer and I am going to be starting very shortly. I am thrilled at the opportunity to leave what has been a difficult and unstable work environment for a full-time, permanent position with benefits. I personally believe that no one should ever lower their standards. This does result in some difficult times and some difficult situations, but it also means that I end up happy.

Now, life can finally settle in. I still may require to have another surgery, but we will just wait and see on that. I am not sure what is going to happen there. I seem to be doing better and time will only tell there. I am beginning to search for a new place to live, so I will hopefully move into something that is in better line with what a young professional should be living in. I also have plans to upgrade my wardrobe, because I'm going to need some nicer attire for my new job. Not to say my current stuff is bad or inappropriate, but I have to go from business casual up to a shirt and tie/ business attire. Not a huge woe, but will cost something nonetheless.

Now I also hope to find someone nice. The one woman I was really hoping to meet has stopped responding, so it is time to move on. I'm excited for where my life is going now. I've managed to steer it back on track and I hope to keep it that way.

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