Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finding a Way to Stand Again

The last six weeks has been pretty difficult. I realized, more than ever, that I needed to reach deep inside me to deal with some personal issues that have been plaguing my life for a long time. I retreated from the social venues I was going to in order to focus on myself. The good news is I successfully began working them out and now I'm on the road to feeling better. Tonight represents the first time I'm going back out socially with some of the people I felt awkward around. I helped make it that way, though, by being really quiet and withdrawn, and I will rectify the problem.

Work has been getting easier. I like my job a lot. I think it'll get better as I get settled in, but I can tell already it's a 1000% improvement over my previous job. I am glad and feel fortunate to work there.

I've found someone I like a lot. We went out once and we plan on going out again next weekend. We will see how it goes. All I can do is keep trying to take better care of myself. If I do that, the rest will take care of itself.

Yesterday, I found a new place to live and I'm thrilled. I should be moving there in a little under 3 months. It's a major upgrade over where I am. At the very least, it's a little more removed from college students. Always a plus.

The one thing that bothers me, though, is my sense of self. Two years ago, I lost a lot of friends because I was too proud. I was overconfident and I was unable to balance myself out. I can feel some of those same tendencies beginning to take over. I'm fighting to temper them and keep myself on a straight and narrow path. I need to, or risk losing what I've built so far. I will make sure I don't.

Well, that's all for now. See you in a month.

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